Saturday, March 19, 2011

Killzone 2 Classic Review

Introducing Classic Reviews here on the Gamers Blog of Awesomeness, but what does that mean? A Classic Review in my case is a game I have replayed and beat.  So with out further delay here is my Classic Review of Killzone 2.

Killzone 2 was an amazing game graphically and even after 2 years the graphics still hold up.  the animation is some of the best I've seen and the multiplayer is solid and still the one of two FPS Multiplayer I play. that being said however I have yet to Play Killzone 3 outside of the beta. Killzone 2's story shows that not everything goes according to plan and that sometimes the odds are indeed not in your favor. If you have Killzone 3 and have not tried 2 i would highly recommend you check it out.  The only issue with the Killzone 2 is that the game is quite dark in terms of the environments, but all in all Killzone 2 is a fantastic experience. Killzone 2 get 9.8 out of 10              

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