Friday, September 3, 2010

Metroid Riot?

So Metroid other M was released Tuesday , and it looks pretty sweet if I do say so myself, but aparently due to a reviewers low score the internet went a flame. znow I understand that people can agree or disagree with peoples opinions but to go berserk on this person for their opinion is crazy, you don't have to go and make mean rude vulgar comments about someone just because you disagree you can say you don't agree ,but you don't have to be a jerk about it. I have read this review and i can see their points , but is it going to stop me from playing the game hell no i've played lots of games that reviews have gave low score it really depends on the player because different people have different opinions It's what makes it different.  Here is the Link to the Review i'm talking about. Abbie Heppe Keep writting the reviews and doing awesome work for xplay and feedback and you guys keep being Awesome and I'll be back tomarrow with a look at this past summers movies

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