Thursday, January 20, 2011

Back/ MVC3 Roster so Far

that's Right Ladies and Gentleman i have Returned after A long break, but now I am back to tell you of all things Awesome so lets not waste anytime.

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is just 25 days away and has 33 characters roster Revealed
Capcom                      Marvel
Akuma                        Captain America
Amaterasu                   Deadpool
Arthur                         Doctor Doom
C.Viper                      Dormammu
Chris Redfield             Hulk
Chun-Li                      Iron Man
Dante                         Magneto
Felicia                        M.O.D.O.K
Haggar                       Phoenix
Morrigan                    Sentinel
Ryu                            She Hulk
Spancer                     Spiderman
Trish                          Storm
Tron Bonne                Taskmaster
Viewtiful Joe               Thor
Wesker                       Wolverine
Zero                            X-23
DLC: Jill Valentine       DLC:  Shuma Gorath

Will keep you posted as more characters are revealed

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