Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tron Legacy Review

Well it was that time of year the time of year when i go to the movies and Tron Legacy was nice I saw it 3 times. Tron Legacy is a fantastic movie a lot better then Avatar which i will not get into how much i hate that movie. Back to Tron you do not need to see the original Tron to understand what's going on because the movie explains everything quite well. Jeff Bridges Repises his roles as Kevin Flynn and C.L.U and Bruce Boxleitner repises his roles as Alan Bradley and Tron. Overall the Music is fantastic Daft Punk did a great job the performances were excellent and the story was well told and easy to follow. However in Imax it is rather not enjoyable you can easily see ghosting and pixels it was rather a terrible experiance, but you can still enjoy the movie if can get past these things.  Tron Legacy is a must see 10/10 in Real3D and 2D 8/10 in Imax      

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